Janjanbureh Island in Republic of the Gambia

Janjanbureh is an ancient town founded around 1831 which is found in the Janjanbureh Island. The island is found in the western part of Gambia in Gambia River. Initially, the town was known by the name of Georgetown and held the second position in size in the entire country. Currently, the town has been named as the capital of division of Central River. The Janjanbureh town is famous for holding the main prison of Gambia.
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Tourist attraction sites
Janjanbureh has the wassu stone circles which are just 20 kilometers from the Lamin Koto. This has attracted many people to see the culture of the natives of the area. Also present in the island are some of the oldest high schools in the country as well as the first church to be built in Gambia. The tourists have a chance to enjoy the various cultural practices and the friendly environment of the locals.
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The history of Janjanbureh
Janjanbureh was initially known as the McCarthy Island and was located in the division of McCarthy Island. The town was founded by the British as a settlement for the creoles. It later turned to be an administrative and economic town. The island was being accessed by bridge in the banks in the south using the small boats that ferried the people on the bank in the north. The McCarthy and Georgetown were then renamed to Janjanbureh in 1995.
The Janjanbureh offers a great attraction for all visitors with the friendly environment and the accommodation in the island and the nearing towns.